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The art of flirting: How to make a playful but powerful impact on everyone around you
"The art of flirting" In the past, flirting was regarded as an unclean act that 'women' perform to get male attraction. In the modern day however, flirting is considered fun, playful and a great way to connect with people. It is also not restricted to 'romantic' or social relationships. It can be performed in the workplace by just being kind to people, to everyone. The flirts are the Mr. & Ms. Personality. They know how to make everyone smile, and how to breakdown barriers and make contact with everyone. Traits that you need to posess to perfect the art of flirtingFlirting Secrets - FOR GIRLS ONLY: "SECRETS OF FLIRTING WITH GUYS" "The Secrets Of Flirting With Men." ! How To Flirt With Men: Popular Flirting Course With How To Meet His Hidden Psychological Needs! MORE INFO!
* They are upbeat and positive * The find people interesting, even the ones that don't like them * They have a good self-esteem and self-knowledge * They know how to have fun * They empower others and are able to establish rapport with everyone, at every level Learning the fine art of flirtingHow to be a fabulous flirt: the fine art of flirting Good flirts know the importance of keeping a good eye contact and smiling Most people look away when they notice someone they like looking at them. Do not look away. Coupled with a smile, eye contact is a very powerful flirting tool. Train yourself by smiling to strangers. The response wont always be positive, but most people appreciate a friendly smile every now and then. Armed with these tips, the art of flirting should become much more fun.