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MARRIAGE PREPARATION QUIZ: your premarital counselling
"The secret to having a good marriage is to understand that marriage must be total, it must be permanent, and it must be equal." Frank Pittman
Marriage and relationships are complicated; but at the same time,it is quite a blessing and a gift for human beings to be able to have relationships with each other. It is also a gift to be able to connect with somebody so well that you want to get married to them and stay married to them. Marriage is an honourable institution and people should not just fall into it. Avoid the trap of preparing more for your wedding and little or not at all for your marriage. Make sure to get proper premarital counselling before you enter into this lifelong commitment. ![]() MARRIAGE PREPARATION QUESTIONS/QUIZ: TAKE THIS MARRIAGE-READINESS QUIZMARRIAGE PREPARATION QUESTIONS: TAKE THIS FREE RELATIONSHIP/MARRIAGE COMPATABILITY QUIZ AND DETERMINE HOW READY YOU ARE TO STAY IN A MARRIAGE Preparing for your marriage is vital, do not be afraid or ashamed to ask yourself and your partner questions. Be honest with yourself: 1. Why are you getting married? The real reason you are getting married? 2. Are you absolutely convinced that you are ready for marriage (not the wedding)? 3. Have you and your partner discussed: kids? religion? finances? jobs? trust? family and friends? 4. Are you aware of your partner's reasons for getting married? Have you discussed his/her expectations of this marriage? 5. Have you identified and communicated your own needs and expectations? 6. Are you willing to sacrifice some of your expectations. If so, which ones? 7. Have you discussed household chores, and who will be responsible for what? 8. Have you talked about divorce? Do you know what your partner thinks of it and the circumstances/reasons that would lead to him/her divorcing you? 9. How does s/he define success as a man (husband) / woman (wife)? 10. How do they define success as a mother / father? HOW TO INTERPRETE THE ABOVE PREMARITAL TEST/QUIZMarriage preparation quiz/test interpretation The purpose of our quizes is not score you, we think scores can be misleading. Instead, we want to get your mind working as you answer the questions, hoping that the questions that are asked will inflict some light in your thinking and help you to come up with even more questions that are specific to you and your circumstances. Hope these questions will trigger even more relevant and important questions in your mind, that are related to your specific relationship. There are no scores in this quiz, just questions to trigger some serious thinking. Consult a marriage counsellor, a marriage officer, your church pastor/priest for more help on pre-marital counselingMore information and resources o pre-marital counseling SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE A LOT OF UNNECESSARY TROUBLE BY ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS - ALL 1000 OF THEM - WOW!1000 QUESTIONS FOR COUPLES BY Relationship Expert Michael Webb. What You Absolutely Must Know About Your Relationship BEFORE YOU SAY I DO! MARRIED COUPLES - Test Your Compatibility, understand each other more And Grow Deeper In Love. Michael has saved a lot of couples who were already headed for the divorce courts. THIS PRE-MARITAL BIBLE WILL SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE BEFORE IT EVEN STARTS - GUARANTEED! IF I WERE YOU I'D BE SURE TO READ THIS BOOK "BEFORE I SAY I DO". This is an excellent read for anyone who intends to get married and anyone who is planning to get married. A wonderful premarital counselling tool!MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE NOTHING UNASKED!
"Marriage preparation and premarital counselling books"
With good preparation, it is possible to have a life-long marriage.!