"Same sex marriages: gay and lesbian relationships & marriages"
"Same sex marriages" "Gays and Lesbians love"Same-sex marriages/relationships I cannot say I agree with that. I have seen people that do genuinely look like "a girl trapped in a boy's body" or "a boy trapped in a girl's body." I use the terms boy and girl to emphasize that, in those situations, these innocent girls and boys were just born that way, and didn't have any outside gayish influences at all.I think the "prevalence" has more to do with society's improved acceptance/perceptions and more people "coming out" than it used to be the case. In some cases, the people involved in same sex marriages or homosexual relationships might not necessarily look gay to people, but they may be feeling something that is perhaps beyond our understanding and our comprehension, as non-gay people. Therefore, before we could judge them and mislabel them, let us first seek to understand them better. We need more knowledge and less criticism and ridicule.
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