Relationship with God: Showing our love of God
Relationship with God: God is Love - unconditional love Your relationship with your maker is probably the most important relationship you’ll ever have in this world. This relationship however, cannot be created nor maintained in a vacuum. It is intertwined with your relationship with yourself and your relationship with other people. In Matthew 22:34-36; Jesus is asked to name one commandment which is the greatest and most important; but He didn’t name one, he named two. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your understanding. And the second is like it: you shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments, depend all the law and the prophets.” These commandments say it all. Our relationship with God, our maker, depends a great deal on our relationship and love for our neighbours. But in order to love somebody, we need to be able to love ourselves, and generally have a good relationship with our own selves. Loving ourselves shouldn’t be difficult, but having a good relationship with ourselves is something else. We are told that we were made in the image of God. In acknowledging that we were created in His image, we may and will want to show that image to the world. Perhaps that is reason enough to relate well and be at peace with ourselves. It is also reason enough to love fellow human beings, to love our neighbour, to love our brother. May God help us to love ourselves well enough to love our neighbours and to love Him. Our relationship with our own selves will impact on our relationship with people and therefore our relationship with God. We cannot love God, whom we have never seen, if we don’t love our neighbours. God is so faithful that, if we love our neighbours / brothers, He will reward us in ways that only He can. "Jesus: The Man And His Work." Long Lost Lecture By Wallace D. Wattles, Author Of The Science Of Getting Rich, Reveals The WONDERFUL Truths About Jesus! THIS IS A LIFE-CHANGING LESSON FOR ANY CHRISTIAN!
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Relationship with God: what does it mean to love God?Relationship with the Almighty: Some quotes May our love of God and our relationship with ourselves be reflected by our love of neighbours or fellow human beings. “I cannot believe in the salvation of those who do not work for the salvation of their neighbours.” ~ St. John Chrysostom. The best ‘thank you’ we can give to God, who selflessly forgives and provides; who created us in His image, is to love one another and to respect our bodies – His temples. Let us all strive to have a wonderful, spiritual relationship with others and have an even more spiritual relationship with God. Go ahead, make that first step of sending some love your neighbour’s way. This will please and strengthen your relationship with God! God Bless you!