"Married women who cheat": extra-marital affairs by women Cheating, infidelity and extra-marital affairs have long been associated with men. Society has 'accepted' that men will always cheat and any woman who does the same is frowned upon and called all sorts of names. The question to ask has always been: "if men cheat more than women, then who are they cheating with?"
MARRIED WOMEN WHO CHEAT - WHY DO MARRIED WOMEN CHEAT? WHY DO WOMEN HAVE EXTRA-MARITAL AFFAIRS?More and more women are choosing to look outside their marital relationships for fulfilment. The number of women who do so is said to be rising and some argue that, there's more women who cheat than men, they are just good at hiding it. But why do these women look for fulfilment outside their marriage? For most women, the reason for cheating is both sexual and emotional - they are seeking to satisfy their sexual & emotional desires, and believe that it's not possible to get everything they desire from a single person. And as women recognise and embrace their sexuality, they are more inclined to go out and get what they want and not regard their desires as shameful.
"MY VIEWS ON CHEATING / AFFAIRS IN GENERAL"Married women who cheat: three is a crowd, either way I, personally do not support any form of extra-marital affairs, cheating or infidelity. I do, however, seek not to judge, but to inform. As far as I'm concerned, any marriage has the capacity to fulfill both parties beyond expectations, and beyond time limits. People need to work on their marriages and identify right at the start, what it is they would like their union to become. Failing to get affection from a mate does not give one a reason to venture out. Cheating can have devastating effects for all parties involved. "CATCH A CHEAT", "SPY ON A CHEATER""HOW TO CATCH A CHEATING SPOUSE: CATCH A CHEATING WIFE/HUSBAND/PARTNER USING THIS RESOURCE". Click Here To Learn How!