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PROTECT YOURSELF: LEARN "HOW TO DEAL WITH A STALKER" Being stalked can be a very frightening and invasive experience. Your first response might be a very terrible mistake. You may respond or address the situation the wrong way; or you may either be too early or too late.
TIPS AND ADVICE ON HANDLING/DEALING WITH A STALKERTHE DO'S AND DONT'S OF DEALING WITH STALKERS: HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM A STALKER “What do you do when you are being stalked?” “What is the best thing to do when you are being stalked?” “What would be the worst thing to do?” In short, “how should you deal with a stalker?” Here are some general points to consider and tips for dealing with a stalker : 1. Not all stalkers fall under the same category and while there are some general no-nos, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy 2. Stalkers are sick people – lonely, psychos, even saddists and are never to be entertained. Avoid engaging them because they might view that as you showing interest or appreciating the contact. On the other hand, being forthright with them and dismissing them at the right time can help with the less-aggressive types. It is better to establish what type of stalker they are before you weave together a solution. 3. Listen to your intuition. Make sure somebody else knows about your situation and If you think it is scary, report it to the authorities/police. If you have the slightest fear or inclination that it could be serious, it probably is. Do not keep quite – but remember not to “communicate with a stalker” or negotiate with them. 4. Do not play detective on your own – hire a “private investigator” (PI)