Couples who swing - a look at swingers
Couples who swing/swingers Swinging, swopping partners (or swopping wives as it is generally referred to) has its ups and downs. While it has worked for some couples' sex lives, it has also resulted in tears for many other couples.
Couples who swing: swingers anonymous?Swinging couples: perceptions, reasons and consequences Couples who swing or are swingers are generally regarded/regard themselves as being open, liberated, open-minded on with the times. However, you would be hard-pressed to find one that would openly agree to being swingers. This is probably because of the professional images these couples portray during the day because of the types of jobs they do. For swingers/couples who swing, sex is not a sacred, intimate affair between married or comitted couples. For them, swinging is about the arousal and feeling sexy. The downsides include jealousy over what the other party is having - especially if they are a regular choice, and affairs born out of swinging - where parties start to sneak behind their partners' back to see their 'swing-mates'. My take on partner swoppingWhat I think of swinging and couples who swop partners or swingers I understand that while swinging might have revived some couples' connectednes/intimacy and saved marriages, but it can also result in broken hearts and disasters. I think that there are a lot of healthier ways to revive a marriage than bringing other parties into it. FOR THOSE THAT PREFER SWINGINGRESOURCES FOR COUPLES WHO LIKE TO SWING
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