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Cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery is by its nature a medical intervention/corrective procedure. However, it is now widely accepted as a beauty fix by men, women, and teenagers alike. Some even consider it a normal part of their beauty routine. IS COSMETIC SURGERY EVER REALLY INDICATED?While more conservative and arguably more ethical cosmetic therapists argue that nobody ever needs to go under the knife to correct something they are not happy with, others argue that it does a lot for people’s self esteem. While there is nothing wrong with doing something to make you feel better, people, especially teenagers need to guard against cosmetic surgery addiction. A lot of teens and even adults are addicted to cosmetic surgery. It is common to find a perfectly beautiful girl complaining about the shape of her nose and wanting it to be restructured, or a young woman having breast lifts or breast augmentations over and over again, without ever feeling satisfied. It is also common now for teens to have botox injections, which should really be used by much older women. In that sense, cosmetic surgery is open to abuse and can actually do more harm than good. There are instances where it truly helps someone and then there are a lot where it becomes a drug that erodes your bank balance, your appearance as well as your self esteem. I think people should go seek some counseling, formal or informal, before they pay the ultimate price of beauty. Use wisely and only if absolutely necessary. Listen to the surgeon. Seek another opinion even though you are the one wanting to do the procedure.