The decision to stay at home full-time and raise the kids ============================================================
============================================================== Becoming a stay at home mom or a stay at home dad is something that many of us, women, contemplate when we start families. Sometimes the idea is triggered by marriage and the possibility/intention of starting a family; and most of the times it comes naturally once we fall pregnant. Regardless of the reasons, there are a number of factors one should consider when making the honourable but difficult decision of becoming a stay at home mom.
SERIOUSLY, SHOULDN'T YOU RATHER BE PLANNING TO WORK AT HOME INSTEAD?![]() What factors should a woman consider while considering becoming a stay at home mom?What you need to consider before making the decision to stay at/work from home Becoming a stay at home mother is probably an ideal situation for most women. Juggling a demanding career and a family can take its toll on a woman's well-being, leaving her all stressed-out and unable to cope with either of the two. Before deciding to dump your boss for this more fulfilling and rewarding job, you need to ask yourself some realistic questions. 1. Is this your decision or is it an ideal situation for your partner/husband? You need to want to stay at home and your spouse has to be behind that 100%! 2. Can your family be sustained on a single income? 3. Do you have a plan in place of what you'll do if your partner is suddenly unable to support you or if you get divorced? For your own emotional and financial benefit, it is generally much better to become a 'work at home mom' than to just 'look after the home/kids'. What is it that you like doing that can be done around the kids? There's a lot of opportunities for that these days. Here's one that I know of and would recommend to any woman wanting to be a 'work at home mom'.
Whatever you decide, have a financial back-up plan/a plan B and know that becoming a stay at home mom is a very honourable job indeed.
Click Here! if you wish to stay at home without experiencing a drop in your living standards.
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