HOW TO GIVE ADVICE: GIVE ADVICE THAT IS WELCOME It is often said that "advice is what we ask for when we already know what we should do, but are just afraid of facing it". Yes, deep down, people know exactly what they should do when they seek advise. But what about unwanted advice or advice that you didn't ask for? How do you deal with that?
DISHING OUT EMPOWERING AND NOT OVER-POWERING ADVISEEMPOWERING VS OVERPOWERING ADVISE. UNWELCOME VS WELCOME ADVISE Some people seek to control you when they give you advice. They want to impose their ideas, beliefs and ideals instead of help you. That is advice that overpowers, controls and is judgmental. Good advice always come from good listeners. These people are able to listen to you and direct you towards a solution. They affirm your power and ability by assuring you that you are capable of finding answers within yourself. Give empowering advice and keep your friends. The saddest thing about over-powering and unwelcome advice is that, those that tend to give it could do with a bit of the same advise themselves.
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