Our special edition

With 2006 almost gone, most of us have started drawing up a list of 2007 resolutions. What are your resolutions? What has been the implementation rate for your 2006 resolutions? Check yourself.

Before I grab my bags and start go on holiday, I thought I should remind you of the Christmas special currently on at Sitesell. For those who haven't visited our promotional page; https://www.relationship-affairs.com/Site-build-it-special-offers.html, do so and check it out now.

Most people sit frustrated on their jobs everyday, dreaming of the day they 'start' their 'empires'. What people do not realise is that, planning & dreaming don't get the job done; and that time waits for nobody. Planning is good, but you can't plan forever. Dreaming is okay, but most have to actually go to bed to do that.

If you feel you have to use that degree you so hardly worked for; you are not alone...and there is a solution. You do not have to tie yourself to your desk in order for you to use your degree. You can do your job, but with free hands and a free mind. What I am saying is that, you can and should start using your creativity to earn money on the side while you are still on the job. The internet gives people a perfect opportunity to do exactly that.

So keep your paycheck, and invest in a business that will earn you money in your sleep. You will be able to free yourself completely if you wish. The Sitesell holiday speacial (a 2 for 1 special), ends midnight on Christmas day. This is the time to start acting on those 2007 resolutions. You can bless someone with the second site or keep it for yourself. Most people have more than one site and they just keep adding, because it's so easy to do and it's worth every second and every cent spent!

Check it out: http://www.buildit.sitesell.com/Offers1.html

***Have a wonderful Holiday season***

"Never mistake motion for action" - Ernest Hemmingway

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3. My host shows it all

Watch a video of the process that I, and tens of thousands of ordinary people followed to build our web sites. If you thought this process is for tech people, just watch chapter 4 of the video!


You may also access the video from: http://buildit.sitesell.com/Offers1.html

Get a free trial: http://freetrial.sitesell.com/Offers1.html

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Until next year; Have a Merry Christmas and a progressive & joyful 2007!

Stay Blessed!



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P.S. Have you heard about this website-building tool? The one that I used to build my website, without any prior knowledge or experience of IT or webhosting or e-commerce? www.sitesell.com/Offers1.html

Ask a question about how you can use this tool and be sure it serves your purpose: http://question.sitesell.com/Offers1.html

Join this affiliate program for free and get rewarded for your sales: http://affiliates.sitesell.com/Offers1.html

Are you a student looking for extra pocket money...? http://students.sitesell.com/Offers1.html


Site for those seeking to improve their presentations and public speaking techniques: http://www.public-speaking-solutions.com

Try your luck!