Infidelity or Unfaithfulness

In this Issue of Let-Us-Relate! newsletter:-)

1. Infidelity and Aids

2. Featured quotation/thought

3. Confidence ebook!



This site is over two years old, and in the two years that it’s been here, I’ve seen changes (ups and downs)in the number of people that visit pages on different topics. But one page, and only one, has always been the most viewed/visited in the whole site. This is the page that talks about infidelity – our undisputed, all-time top page! If this doesn't say something about this ill and its impact on people, I can't think of anything that will.

It is one of the top causes of the devastating and deadly two D’s – Divorce and Death. As we commemorate World Aids day tomorrow – 1st of December, I would like to make an appeal to you to read this message and try to contribute in whatever way you can to stop the spread of HIV. I always write something about Aids to commemorate this day... and this year, I kept wondering:

What if…?

What if every person was faithful to their spouse/partner and nobody cheated – would Aids still survive? How about you start being faithful?

What if no one tolerated infidelity – and everyone left or divorced at the first incident of infidelity – would cheaters not learn some valuable lessons? How long would the HI Virus stick around? How about you declare a zero tolerance against infidelity?

What if everyone understood that being faithful to one partner equates to loving and respecting ourselves? How about you start loving yourself?

What if we were all too proud to allow the impurities of another person’s hand – other than our spouse – to touch our sacred bodies? How about you start appreciating the purity of your marriage?

I could ask “what if” until my hand becomes numb with fatigue – there’s just too many questions to ask - too many things to think about. For cheaters I have no respect. For them that cheat, HIV also has no respect!

Our top page - Unfaithfulness


2. Featured quotes

"It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe."

~ Thomas Paine


"Unfaithfulness ought to extinguish love, and we should not be jealous when there is reason to be. Only those who give no grounds for jealousy are worthy of it." ~François, Duc De La Rochefoucauld


3. Ebook to boost your confidence, help manage your shyness and put some brakes on fear of speaking in public

"Say It With Confidence" by Sofia Matloga

This ebook addresses common public speaking concerns such as 'fear of public speaking, lack of confidence, shyness, and gives tips on the dos & donts of public speaking.' It also has a section for kids and teaches parents how to motivate their kids without causing arrogance or destroying their self-esteem. This is an ebook you do not want to miss - especially if you have children. Visit to read more/learn how you can purchase the ebook - link below.


View ebook details here

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Until next time,

Protect your dreams and Stay Blessed!


"Dream It. Believe It. Receive It." ~ Anonymous Authour


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